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Modern Medical Educator


The Modern Medical Educator Channel (MME) was founded in 2021 to promote medical education research productivity. MedEd is a rapidly growing field that currently has only a few major outlets for publication. We hope this channel will provide an avenue for a streamlined review process and quick turn arounds on editorial and external review. The goal of this academic channel is to serve as a forum to disseminate novel ideas which contribute to the evolution of academic medicine. The specific content areas include but are not limited to the following:

  • Education and training issues across the continuum, including premedical education, undergraduate medical education, graduate medical education, and continuing professional development, as well as interprofessional education.

  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives in academic medicine including pipeline programs, equity, and advancement of underrepresented groups.
  • Health policy as it relates to education, research, and clinical care.

  • Institutional policy and management of medical schools, faculties of medicine, and teaching hospitals, including financing medical education, and managing research policies and practices.

  • Alignment of the health professions workforce with societal needs.

  • The culture and environment of academic medicine, including values, communication, professionalism, and professional identity.

  • The intersection of academic medicine's multiple missions, including education, research, patient care, and community and global health.

  • Advancing the field of health professions education research and scholarship.

  • Pipeline initiatives and admissions recruitment and review processes.

The submission types that MME is currently accepting include original articles and review articles. Only invited editorials will be considered at this time. We plan to expand submission types to include short innovations and educational summary reports. If you are interested in these submission types please reach out with your feedback!

Submitting to our channel is free. When submitting, please select "Yes, this is a channel article" - if you do not select this you will not be posting to our channel and are subject to purchasing editing services. Select "Modern Medical Educator Channel" under "Academic Departments".

Please note that while Cureus requires a reviewer minimum of 2 in order to move the submission forward for publication, MME strongly encourages a minimum of 4 reviews.

Please also note that the Cureus journal will not accept submissions that focus on medical student and resident survey data. If however the medical education submission involves data where the survey of medical students is only a part of the data, (not the majority of the data, and not the data upon which the conclusions are drawn) such a submission would be acceptable. If you have any concerns if your manuscript will fit this criteria, please reach out to [email protected].