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If you have started taking Hydromorphone, you must be wondering how long it stays in a person’s system, especially if you’re having a drug test. The drug is a narcotic analgesic, also known as an opioid. People buy Hydromorphone online because it is taken to relieve a person from the pain he is experiencing.

The drug is generally prescribed for people who need relief from severe pain for a long time. The drug is available in three different forms of medication – liquid form, tablet, or as an extended-release tablet. Should take it only once in a day.

Since Hydromorphone is an opioid, taking it regularly can lead to addiction, especially if you take it for a long time. The brand names by which the drug is sold are dihydromorphinone, Dilaudid, Exalgo, Hydrostat, Palladone, Hospital heroin, and hydro.