Mehran Devario Sr.
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Levitra 40 mg is a variant of Levitra that is employed to treat men with erectile dysfunction. Levitra is a brand name for vardenafil. It belongs to a gaggle of medicines known as phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It is a prescription medicine. Therefore do not take this medicine without consulting with the doctor.
Levitra 40 mg should be stored at a room temperature between 15 to 30 degrees celsius. It is advised to be stored away from heat, light and moisture.
It gives the best result if this medicine is taken 20 to 30 minutes before indulging into sex.
Consume only one pill daily, taking more than one pill of levitra 40 mg may cause overdose and damage your penis.
Consuming Alcohol, grapes or grape juice may reduce the effect of levitra 40 mg. Therefore avoid these substances while taking levitra 40 mg.
Levitra is specially formulated for males, it should not be consumed by women.
Males under 18 years should not take this medicine.