Georgios P. Fragulidis
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Citizenship: GREECE

Professional Address:
2nd Department of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine,
“ARETAIEIO” Hospital,
76 Vas. Sofias Ave.,
Attica, 11528,
Tel.: +30 2107286000; +30 6972910955
Fax: +30 2107286128
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Current Position:
Professor of Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine,
2nd Dept. of Surgery “Aretaieio” Hospital

1985: M.D., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine
Post Graduate Training:
1985-1987: Rural medical service Internship and Residency General Surgery
Municipality Komotini - General Hospital
1987-1989: Resident General Surgery Cancer Hospital of Piraeus
1989-1992: Resident General Surgery 2nd Dept. of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine
1992-1994: Scientific Associate/ 2nd Dept. of Surgery-Experimental unit/ Research Assistant Animal Research Facility, University of Athens School of Medicine

1994: MD Thesis “Correlation of the serum gastrin levels and histopathology of the gastric mucosa during the anhepatic phase of the experimental liver transplantation”

1994-1998: Research Fellowship Clinical and Experimental Transplantation University of Miami “Jackson Memorial Hospital”, Miami FL, USA
Department of Surgery, Division of Liver–G.I. and Kidney–Pancreas Tx.
Co-Directors: AG Tzakis MD and J.Müller MD
2000-2001: Fellowship, Dept. of General Surgery & Transplantation, Carolinas Medical Center
Charlotte, N.C., USA
Director: D. Hayes, MD.

Medical License/Certification:
1992: Greek Board of Surgery
1997: ECFMG Certification (USMLE step 1 & 2)
2001: Fellow in Transplant Surgery

Present Academic Rank: Professor of Surgery, 2nd Dept. of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine

Previous professional positions and appointments:
2012-2018: Associate Professor, 2nd Dept. of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine
2008-2012: Assistant Professor, 2nd Dept. of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine
2003-2008: Lecturer in Surgery, 2nd Dept. of Surgery University of Athens School of Medicine

Honors and Awards:
1994: Greek Scholarship Foundation Scholar for postgraduate international fellowship
1995: Phi-Beta-Delta Honor Society for International Scholars

Teaching Activities:
Teaching, clinical training and medical school examinations in Surgery, (4th and 6th year medical students), at the 2nd University Department of Surgery as Member of Faculty University of Athens School of Medicine
Clinical 6 years Residency Program in General Surgery including Postgraduate Courses Directed and Continuing Clinical and Research Education at the 2nd University Department of Surgery as Member of Faculty University of Athens School of Medicine
Research program at the Laboratory Animal Facilities, Surgery-Experimental Research unit, 2nd Dpt. of Surgery “Aretaieio” Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine


Reviewer Keywords
general surgery organ transplantation surgical oncology
Publications (7)

Recent article categories: Family/General Practice, General Surgery, Gastroenterology

My Professional Societies

Hellenic Surgical Society