Yanwei Zhang
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Yanwei ("Zoe") Zhang is a third-year medical student at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest of the Western University of Health Sciences. As a first-generation immigrant from China, she believes every patient comes from a unique background, be it geographical, cultural, or societal, and her goal is to provide personalized medical care to her fellow community members. In her future practice, she aspires to empower her patients to be their own health advocate by taking a more proactive role in a patient's life. As a former certified Mandarin-English medical interpreter, she enjoyed being part of a diverse medical team to help patients of minority background.

She holds a Master's in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology where she led independent research as a graduate research assistant while completing her degree. She published research in multiple peer-reviewed international conferences. She looks forward to applying clinical research in a practical setting to improve the best practices of patient care.

Reviewer Keywords
cardiology research gastrointestinal
Publications (1)

Recent article categories: Anesthesiology, Pulmonology, Quality Improvement
