Kenji Numata
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Dr.Kenji Numata, MD, MPH

Graduated from Hiroshima University (School of Medicine) in 2009 and passed training at Onomichi general hospital in Hiroshima city during residency years.

Completed a fellowship at Fukui University Hospital in Fukui prefecture as an emergency physician.

Dr.Numata studied public health at St. Luke’s University (Tokyo) in 2018 with focus on clinical research and environmental science. He published an article in PLOS ONE on “Comparison of acute vertigo diagnosis and treatment practices between otolaryngologists and non-otolaryngologists: A multicenter scenario-based survey”.

Though Dr.Numata mainly serves as an emergency physician, he has also worked as internal medicine doctor in Mito Kyodo hospital and holds certificates of Japanese Board of Internal medicine.

Dr.Numata is a provider of basic life support, pediatric life support in accordance with Japan Advanced Trauma Evaluation and Care guidelines. He is also an authorized instructor of T and A minor emergency course ( conducted domestically for the hospitals of Japan.

Currently, Dr. Numata holds certifications from Japanese Board of Emergency medicine and Internal medicine.

He presented his clinical researches during International Conference on Emergency Medicine in 2019, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine and ACEP Scientific Assembly in 2020, and Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine in 2020.

Reviewer Keywords
simulation based education emergency medicine
Publications (2)

Recent article categories: Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Healthcare Technology, Healthcare Technology

My Professional Societies

Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine