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I am a consultant physiatrist at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan, working in the field since 2005. My prime speciality is Physiatry as I have done a fellowship in PM & R from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP). In addition, I am MSc (Pain Medicine) as well as have done a membership program in medical education (MCPS-HPE) from CPSP. I did OJT in clinical neurophysiology from Marmara University Turkey. I have conducted thousands of pain procedures. But I have a special interest in neurophysiological procedures and performed around 40,000 procedures. I have actively been involved in medical education activities including workshops for CPSP. I had been running medical of the education department for under and post-graduate students and residents, in addition to heading the electrodiagnostic medicine department at AF Institute of PM & R, the largest institute of PM & R in Pakistan. I addition to my parent institute, I have been a member of a committee for admission in public sector medical colleges against reserve seats. I am the supervisor of the only fellowship offering institute in the field of physiatry in Pakistan. I have also trained around 20 electrodiagnostic medicine technicians. I have also been secretary of the hospital ethical committee for 3 years. I have a unique combination of the clinical, administrative and medical educational experience at different levels of education i.e. technicians, undergraduate and postgraduate. I have 11 national and 2 international publications to my name.
I have a dream to develop a training institute in electrodiagnostic medicine in Pakistan.
Reviewer Keywords
electrodiagnostic medicine medical educationPublications (0)
Recent article categories: Medical Education, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation