Babita Ghai
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Dr. Babita Ghai, MD, DNB, FAMS
Dr. Babita Ghai is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh, India. She has more than 20 years post MD teaching experience with keen interest in pain management, pain education, pain research and policy creation. She has made significant contributions in pain field at international, South-East Asian, Asian, National, Institutional, undergraduate, postgraduate, nursing and community levels. She has been involved in disseminating pain education from community level to international level.
Dr Ghai has numereous contributions to IASP. She has been active member of IASP since 2004. She has attended almost all the World Congresses on Pain since 2005. She has been active participant in the Acute Pain SIG, Pain education SIG and Neuropathic pain SIG of IASP. Currently she also holds the position of editor of Acute Pain SIG of IASP. Additionally, she is nominated editorial member of Pain Research Forum of IASP from 2018-2020. She has been invited chair and invited faculty for the Acute Pain SIG satellite symposia’s at World Congresses and EFIC congresses at Argentina, Japan, Boston and Denmark. She has been also been invited resource workshop faculty and guest faculty at Association of South East Asian Pain Society (ASEAPS) congresses. Dr. Ghai is the recipient IASP developing country education grant in 2014 for dissemniating pain education to the graduate nursing students. During 2016-17, Dr Ghai was active in the IASP Global Year for 2017-2018 “Pain after Surgery” led by Dan Carr and authored a fact sheet on “Management of post surgical pain in older adults”. During 2017-2018, Ghai contributed as Task force member representing developing countries for the IASP Global Year for 2018-2019 “Excellence in Pain Education”. She has also authored Chapter “Postoperative Pain management in older persons” for IASP press book “Pain After Surgery” edited by Daniel B Carr, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Kris C.P. Vissers.
She has several Naional and International awards to her credit including Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship in the year 2011-12 and national level Kops award of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists. She has been awarded prestigious “National Hindi Award” for Publishing “Back Care Booklet” in Hindi and her contribution towards community by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. She was invited to deliver the Ted talk on “accessibilty-her journey of becoming Pain Physician”
She holds many important national positions. Dr Ghai is involved in national policy creations. She is an expert group member for national pain guidelines development and expert for national pain program. She has served as executive member and Joint-secretary of Indian Society for the Study of Pain (ISSP) during 2015-2018 and is currently the exectutive member of Indian Academy of Pain (IAPM), an academic wing of ISSP. She is also the chair of Interventional Pain Procedure SIG of ISSP. She is member of Institutional Ethics Committee of National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research for Human Studies. She is editorial board member of Indian Journal of Pain. At her institute, she has been instrumental in establishing the formal pain clinic.
Dr Ghai is keenly involved in Pain research and is recipeint of many intramural and extramural research grants including grants from IASP, departement of Science and technology (DST) of Ministry of India, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and from her institute PGIMER, Chandigarh. Her main focus of area for research is Chronic Low Back Pain. She has more than 100 internationally indexed publications and has authored several book chapters. In addition, she has been the editor of two books on Low Back Pain focusing on lay persons and working women. Her recently published researches in this context are cited in most recent international NICE guidelines of UK and in numerous recent systematic reviews & meta-analysis.
At community level she is deeply Involved in spreading public awareness regarding various pain conditions by conducting various public awareness seminars and talks as well as by performing community level prevalence finding studies.

Reviewer Keywords
chronic and acute pain management chronic pain management
Publications (0)

Recent article categories: Psychology, Public Health, Infectious Disease


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