Jose  L. Meza
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Jose Meza currently works as a Medical Doctor at the Hospital Universidad del Norte - Emergency Department (ED) in the North of Colombia, on the Shores of the Caribbean Sea. Acknowledging his Region most prevalent infectious Diseases, early in his Medical Education, as a Student showed a particular Interest to this area of Medicine. Developing a Digital Solution in accompany of his Thesis Partners, which led the Team to be in the Top 3- Award winners of the "Colombian National Competition Best Theses: Otto de Greiff” with NeumoniApp (A Mobile Medical Application for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Community-acquired Pneumonia). Since then Dr. Meza maintains an active Participation in Research while working at the ED.

Reviewer Keywords
medical research internal medicine infectious diseases
Publications (1)

Recent article categories: Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Disease
