Rachel Pollock Wurman
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Dr. Pollock-Wurman is a Consultant in the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate and Clinical Supervisor at the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Resource Center of Florida. Dr. Pollock-Wurman served as the Director of Editorial Operations at Cureus Journal of Medicine for over 1.5 years, growing the Editorial Board to over 300 members and with her colleagues, was greatly involved in securing PubMed registration for this new online medical journal. In the Fall of 2013, Dr. Pollock Wurman left Cureus to return to her research and clinical work in anxiety disorders.


She received her Bachelor's degree in Biological Anthropology at Harvard College in 1993, and her Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Yale University in 2001. She completed her Clinical Internship at the Boston Consortium in Clinical Psychology, VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston Medical Center. Dr. Pollock-Wurman continued her post doctoral training with several research fellowships, including the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, VA Boston Healthcare System and the Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. She received an NIMH funded post-doc as part of the Clinical Research Training Program in Biological/ Social Psychiatry and continued her research at the Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School. She also completed a clinical fellowship in the Child Psychiatry Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Pollock-Wurman's research and clinical research interests focus on anxiety disorders, specifically, cognitive and temperamental risk factors for childhood anxiety and the etiology and prevention of childhood anxiety disorders. She has designed and implemented ecologically-valid and age-appropriate tools to assess cognitive biases in children at-risk for anxiety and their family members. She developed a novel paradigm utilizing psychophysics and statistical decision theory to examine how methods of psychoacoustics can be applied to answer clinical questions about anxiety sensitivity (AS), the fear of physiological sensations associated with arousal and panic. Dr. Pollock-Wurman is a research consultant for a longitudinal study of Behavioral Inhibition (BI) and its trajectory in offspring at-risk for panic disorder and major depression. In addition, she supervises doctoral students and collaborates with researchers in Northern Finland to examine anxiety disorders (e.g., panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder), and information-processing in a large longitudinal family-genetic study of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Clinically, Dr. Pollock-Wurman has been an Assistant and Instructor in Psychology, conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the Outpatient Child Psychiatry Department at MGH and has supervised interns in the use of CBT in anxious children and adolescents. Dr. Pollock-Wurman has published over 50 original papers, book chapters, review articles, and abstracts as well as presented numerous symposia, workshops and posters at national and international conventions. She has been a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.


Publications (1)

Recent article categories: Psychiatry, Psychology

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