Mohamed Mohi Eldin
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Dr. Mohamed Mohi Eldin is a professor of neurosurgery at Cairo University, Egypt. He is currently living in Giza in Egypt where he works as a consultant neuro & spine surgeon. He is a member of several committees and is also member of the referee committee of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees (EUPC), Egyptian accreditation council for assigning neurosurgery university staffs. Dr. Mohamed Mohi Eldin is a board member of the Egyptian Society of Neurological Surgery (ESNS), adminstrative & board Member of the Egyptian Neurospine Group of ESNS, adminstrative & board member of Pan Arab MIS Society (PAMISS), member of AO Spine (Middle East), member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), member of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia (NSSA), and a member of The Association for Ethical Spine Surgeons (AESS), USA.

Dr. Mohamed Mohi Eldin was graduated from Cairo University in 1987 where he then had his Masters (1992) and MD degrees (1997). He received training and worked in several hospitals in Egypt and also abroad. His research interest is in the field of microsurgery and spine. He lectures to under and postgraduates in neurosurgery and spine interventions.

In the last 15 years, Mohi Eldin became dedicated to minimally invasive spine philosophy, interventions and surgeries. Following his many studies that addressed the complications of conventional spine surgeries, he started a campaign for educating professionals, patients and the public about minimally invasive spine philosophy, interventions and surgeries in spine diseases. That campaign an educational, research, and clinical components. The educational and research components started in Cairo University, conferences, and societies. The clinical component took place in Cairo University Hospitals, and in Ministry of Health Hospitals. That campaign comprise several activities including lectures and articles.

Dr Mohi Eldin is also the author of several books and writings.

Publications (1)

Recent article categories: Neurosurgery, Pain Management

My Professional Societies

Egyptian Society of Neurological Surgeons
Pan Arab Minimally Invasive Spine Society
Middle East Spine Society
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Association for Medical Ethics
AOSpine - Middle East
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Egyptian Spine Association