Marco Siccardi
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I work as a medical doctor and osteopath, specialized in obstetrics and gynecology. My primary interests were about the dynamics of amniotic fluid, prenatal diagnosis (research on nuchal translucency and fetal behavior at Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy), and preventing dystocia. I used to work as a gynecologist at the Ob/Gyn Department in Hospitals. Nowadays, I'm working as an external consultant at the Obstetric Department of "S. Paolo" Hospital (Savona, Italy, EU). My interest in external pelvimetry, osteopathy for obstetrics and gynecology, pelvic pain, traditional homeopathy. I teach undergraduate and post-graduate osteopathic courses in Italy.

Reviewer Keywords
obstetric ultrasound osteopathy external pelvimetry cranial osteopathy obstetrics gynaecology visceral osteopathy chronic pelvic pain amniotic fluid dynamics
Publications (4)

Recent article categories: Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology/Public Health, Obstetrics/Gynecology

My Professional Societies

Ordine Medici Savona