Ahmad Ozair
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Ahmad has been involved in several international multi-centric studies as a co-investigator, along with having over two dozen publications and several book chapters (in press) to his credit. His research has primarily concerned with 3 major planks: (1) surgical outcomes, (2) neurological diseases, and (3) medical education. He has conducted the largest prospective study of medical students in his country ever, with over 2000 participants (publication forthcoming) looking at their tendencies towards lifelong learning and the decline in their empathy throughout medical school. Currently, he is a 99th percentile all-time peer-reviewer worldwide on Publons |
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmadozair |
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeuroAhmad



Reviewer Keywords
critical care epidemiology and biostatistics ethics meta-analysis neurosurgery oncology randomised controlled trial randomized clinical trial surgery systematic reviews
Publications (2)

Recent article categories: Other, Neurosurgery, Medical Education

My Professional Societies

American College of Surgeons
American Urological Association (AUA)
SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
AAS - Association for Academic Surgery
EAST - Eastern association for the Surgery of Trauma