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Doctor Goldman is a former Clinical Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. He is presently President of Medical Quarters, Rheumatology Medical Director of the Atlanta Center for Clinical Research and Chief of Rheumatology St. Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia. He is in solo rheumatology, immunology and osteoporosis practice in Sandy Springs, GA. He has been named a Master of the American College of Rheumatology (MACR), a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP) and a Certified Clinical Densitometrist (CCD).
He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, earned his BS in Science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin and his MD at the University of Cincinnati Medical School, Cincinnati, Ohio. He interned at the University of Oregon Medical School Hospitals and Clinics, Portland, Oregon, took his internal medicine residency and fellowship in Immunology at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. He served as a Major in the United States Army, Medical Corp at Fort Gordon, Georgia before joining the Faculty of Emory University School of Medicine in 1973. In 1982 he went into the private practice of rheumatology in Atlanta, Georgia
He is former Chairman of the Southeast Regional Advisory Council, Committee on Rheumatologic Care, American College of Rheumatology; and presently an Ambassador for the REF –Research and Education Foundation of the ACR, Member of the ACR ANA Task Force, Editor of the Osteoflash, online newsletter of the International Society of Clinical Densitometry; Chairman of the Third Party Payors Committee of the Medical Association of Georgia; Previous Co – Medical Director of the Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) of the Georgia Medicare Carrier CAHABA since 2006 and Rheumatology representative to the Georgia CAC since 1996, Medical Association of Georgia Representative to the Georgia Insurance Commissioner Stakeholder Advisory Committee, Former President and Executive Liaison and CME Chairman of the Georgia Society of Rheumatology, Co-Chairman of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rheumatology Society (MARS) and Co-Chairman of the Atlanta Bone Club (ABC).
He has authored more than 50 articles, 35 chapters, and 88 abstracts.
Publications (1)
Recent article categories: Internal Medicine