Yashdeep  Gupta
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Given the high burden of Diabetes in India, I developed interest and took Diabetes as my research field, with special interest in Diabetes and pregnancy. Sub-areas of research in which I am interested are spousal association of diabetes, family lifestyle intervention trials and establishment of family cohort in women with hyperglycaemia in pregnancy, to understand the natural history and family influences on cardiovascular risk factors in long term. To pursue this interest, and to improve care for these women, I established gestational diabetes mellitus clinic in 2017. The clinic registers around 300 new cases of Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy annually. The women are followed up in postpartum period for improving long term outcomes. All clinical data is systematically recorded for the purpose of answering clinical based research questions and to supplement the information generated through research platform. Exposure to high quality translational trials at population level as co-investigator, I am gaining additional expertise of doing high quality research with potential of scalability at national level.

Reviewer Keywords
gestational diabetes mellitus
Publications (2)

Recent article categories: Endocrinology/Diabetes/Metabolism

My Professional Societies

Endocrine Society of India