Thomas M. Krummel
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Thomas M. Krummel, MD is the Susan B. Ford Surgeon in Chief at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and has served in leadership positions in many of the important surgical societies including the American College of Surgeons, the American Pediatric Surgical Association, the American Surgical Association, the American Board of Surgery, the American Board of Pediatric Surgery, the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is currently President of the Halsted Society.

He has mentored over 100 students, residents and post docs during their research training and is Program Director of the General Surgery Residency Program at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

During his surgical residency he formed what was then the world’s second ECMO team. The success of that team served as a major impetus to more widespread adoption of this now well-established technique.

Dr. Krummel helped “jump start” the study of the cellular and biochemical mechanisms of scarless repair in the fetus; his work has been funded by the NIH for 15 years for over $3M.

Over the last 14 years he has been a pioneer in the application of information technology to simulation-based surgical training and surgical robotics. Along with Dr. Kenneth Salisbury, Professor of Surgery and Computer Science, Dr. Krummel is the recipient of one of the first NIH Phased Innovation R21/R33 programs to develop a collaborative simulation-based surgical training system. For his work in this arena and in surgical robotics he has received two Smithsonian Information Technology innovation Awards.

For the past six years he has partnered with Dr. Paul Yock to direct the Biodesign Innovation Program at Stanford. This program and its training program designed to teach the invention and implementation of new surgical technologies through interdisciplinary research and education at the emerging frontiers of engineering and the biomedical sciences.