David D. Wright
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David Wright qualified in Medical Physics before medicine and then surgery and started research into venous disease in 1985, initially at Charing Cross Hospital, publishing papers on venous disease epidemiology, measurement of venous function and the management of legs ulcers using the 4 layer compression bandage. He established a clinic dedicated to treating varicose veins where between 1992 and 2000 more than 5000 patients underwent surgical treatment. In 2000 he joined BTG (Provensis) to develop Dr Juan Cabrera’s patented microfoam sclerosant concept. During the last 10 years he has lead the research both clinical and non-clinical into Varisolve™ polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM). In recent years he has published and presented on the presence of polidocanol on the surface of bubbles, the impact of bubbles in the cerebral circulation and the prevalence of right to left shunt in varicose vein patients. Over the last 2 years he has lead the medical aspects of an integrated program of Phase 3 clinical trials with the objective of successful approval of PEM with the FDA.