Daniel Meyran
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Daniel Meyran received his medical degree from the University of Montpellier in 1984. Following specialty training in anesthesia and surgical resuscitation, Dr. Meyran completed fellowship training in disaster medicine and health disasters at Toulouse University as well as the Clinical Toxicology and Drug Side Effects program at Marseille University in 1989. Dr. Meyran is a practicing emergency physician at the Montpellier hospital and he has work in the Emergency Medical Services (SAMU) of Montpellier. He serves as the Emergency Medical Services Director for the Fire Brigade of Marseille and is the National Medical Advisor and administrator of the French Red Cross, in charge of training of trainers. He is the project manager for the Basic Life Support, Automatic External Defibrillator and Advanced Life Support national curriculum for the Interior Ministry of France. Dr. Meyran has been a member of the First Aid Task Force for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) since 2017.

Reviewer Keywords
first-aid emergency medicine physician emergency medical service
Publications (2)

Recent article categories: Emergency Medicine, Medical Education, Allergy/Immunology



My Professional Societies

French Red Cross
Bataillon de Marins Pompiers de Marseille