Cureus | Dermatology Professional Organization Social Media Impact

Dermatology Professional Organization Social Media Impact


The social media popularity of professional dermatology organizations is only beginning to be explored. On June 1, 2012, we examined the Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter presence of these organizations in order to describe their social media impact. Top 10 professional dermatology organizations on: Facebook [Likes]: 1)dermRounds Dermatology Network [10,995], 2)American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) [4,185], 3)Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) [2,082], 4)Skin & Allergy News [1,855], 5)Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) [1,002], 6)Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants (SDPA) [988], 7)American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA) [639], 8)Canadian Dermatology Association [218], 9)American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery [176], 10)The Dermatologist [127]. LinkedIn [Members]: 1)Dermatology/Aesthetic/Plastic Surgery Sales or Marketing [4,663], 2)AAD [3,443], 3)ASCP [2,611], 4)The Dermatologist [2,278], 5)Global Aesthetic Dermatology & Cosmetology Group [1,737], 6)Acne Specialists [1,634], 7)Dermatologist Network [1,270], 8)Dermatology Professional Connection [872], 9)American Society for Dermatopathology [702], 10)DNA [170]. Twitter [Followers]: 1)dermRounds Dermatology Network [2900], 2)Skin & Allergy News [2798], 3)ASDSA [1744], 4)AAD [1517], 5)DNA [1471], 6)The Dermatologist [1318], 7)SDPA [1016], 8)American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [644], 9)Association of Dermatology Administrators & Managers [308], 10)Canadian Dermatology Association [255]. Overall, professional dermatology organizations seem to have a larger presence on LinkedIn, a business oriented social networking site, than Facebook or Twitter even though the American Academy of Dermatology still has more likes on Facebook than it does members on LinkedIn. Facebook and Twitter also have strong impact with users following DermRounds and non-peer reviewed journals.

Dermatology Professional Organization Social Media Impact

Author Information

Blake P. Sampson Corresponding Author

University of Washington School of Medicine

EraRobert Dellavalle

University of Colorado, University of Colorado

Dawnielle Endly

Not Selected

Cory Dunnick, MD

Not Selected

Jill Henley

Not Selected

Jennifer Tamai

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Mahsa Amir

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Timothy Pearson

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