Cureus | Electrocatheter-mediated High-voltage Pulsed Radiofrequency of the Dorsal Root Ganglion in the Treatment of Chronic Lumbosacral Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study

Electrocatheter-mediated High-voltage Pulsed Radiofrequency of the Dorsal Root Ganglion in the Treatment of Chronic Lumbosacral Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study


Aim of Study
Despite the interest in scientific community, there is still poor evidence about pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) efficacy in the treatment of neuropathic pain. In order to determine whether high-voltage PRF and epidural adhesiolysis (PRF-EA) showed better results than epidural adhesiolysis alone (EA), a randomized, double-blind, comparative-effectiveness study was conducted in patients with chronic lumbosacral radiating pain and neuropathic features.

A total of 41 patients were randomly allocated to 2 groups. Twenty-one patients were randomized to receive 2 cycles of 240 seconds high-voltage PRF followed by the injection of local anesthetics, hyaluronidase, and betamethasone, whereas 20 patients underwent sham stimulation followed by adhesiolysis. The treatment was delivered at the affected lumbosacral roots and patients, treating physicians and assessors were blinded to intervention.

A significant reduction of radiating pain was observed in mean Numeric Rating Scale score at follow-up. A change of -3.43 versus -1.75 (P=0.031) after 1 month and -3.34 versus -0.80 (P=0.005) after 6 months was reported in patients undergoing PRF-EA in comparison with EA, respectively. After 1 month, 57% of patients in the PRF-EA group experienced a pain reduction of ≥50% versus only 25% of patients allocated to EA (P=0.037). Improvement decreased to 48% in the PRF-EA group whereas only 10% of EA reported significant pain relief after 6 months (P=0.008).

High-voltage PRF of dorsal root ganglion delivered through multifunctional electrode provided significant pain relief and may be considered a valuable treatment in chronic lumbosacral radicular pain with neuropathic features.


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Electrocatheter-mediated High-voltage Pulsed Radiofrequency of the Dorsal Root Ganglion in the Treatment of Chronic Lumbosacral Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study

Author Information

Simone Vigneri Corresponding Author

Pain Medicine Department, Occhiobello, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Gianfranco Sindaco

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Matteo Zanella

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Valentina Paci

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Francesca Maria Vinci

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Chiara Sciacca

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Alberto Merlini

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

Irene Grazzini

Department of Radiology, Section of Neuroradiology, San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, ITA

GIlberto Pari

Pain Medicine Department, Santa Maria Maddalena Hospital, Occhiobello, ITA

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