Gary H. Danton
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Gary H Danton, MD., PhD attended the University of Miami as an undergraduate where he obtained a BS studying psychobiology in 1996. He remained at the University of Miami as part of the combined MD, PhD program where he studied vascular consequences of photochemically induced thromboembolic stroke in a murine model and graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience in 2002. After completing his MD degree in 2004 he completed a medical internship at UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital in 2005 and a residency in Radiology in 2009 where he was chief resident.

During his residency, he participated in implementation of Cerner electronic medical record system, Philips isite PACS, TeraRecon 3D, voice recognition and Primordial workflow tools and was recruited to join the faculty as an assistant clinical professor of Radiology and section chief of imaging informatics. In this role he worked on implementation of EPIC medical records systems, a second PACS implementation and his work is ongoing. He spent one year of clinical work in Pediatric Radiology developing expertise in CT of congenital heart disease before joining the ER/Trauma section.

In 2010 he became the Program Director of the Radiology Residency and Medical Director of Radiology Services at Jackson Memorial Hospital. He has a number of publications in Radiology and Neuroscience and has given numerous presentations around the country.

Publications (0)

Recent article categories: Radiology, General Surgery
