Pinelopi Petropoulou
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Pinelopi Petropoulou is a dental surgeon with clinical experience in Periodontology, specializing in oncology patients. She works at the dental clinic she maintains in Athens and she is a PhDc in the Nursing Department at the University of West Attica.
She graduated from the Dental School of the Kapodistrian University of Athens and has obtained a Master's Degree from the german University of Witten/Herdecke Germany in Periodontology and Implantology . She has been trained in the pedagogical department of the University of Aegean in Greece and specialization in global public health and environment.She has participated in many scientific conferences and has written scientific articles that have been published in Greek and international scientific journals.
Her research focuses on Oncology Care, Oral Care, Chronic Diseases, Environmental impact on Health, Public Health, Primary Care, Gender Innequalities.


Reviewer Keywords
cancer chronic diseases dentistry diabetes environmental determinants of health health policies health promotion nursing periodontology public health
Publications (0)

Recent article categories: Pediatrics, Environmental Health, Health Policy

My Professional Societies

member of the scientific associations DGI and DGP of Germany .
member of the dental association of Attica,Greece
vice president of the women's association of Greece - Athens
international relations consultant of the association of Greek women scientists
member of the Greek solid waste management company
member of the German periodontological society
member of the Greek anti-cancer society
member of the Greek periodontological society