Indurjeet  Dosonyee
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Formerly Technical Manager (Chemical and Technological fields) in both Public and Private Organizations. Have a natural orientation towards Life and Natural Sciences. Abandoned PhD studies in Industrial Management at Dong Hua University in 1992 to take employment at Chemical Division, Min. of Industry. Had proposed to the then pro- Vice Chancellor University of Mauritius, to conduct research in regeneration of natural fibers from sugar cane bagasse but due to lack of an appropriate supervising body in this field, had to drop down the interest.
As the saying goes:- "the apple never falls far from the tree", inspired by these words, I have been closely observing the effect of climate change on living things in general. For example, more and more children are born with congenital mal-formations and some even with cancer at a very young age, decrease in reproductive rates not only among humans but among animals and certain plants as well. I am planning to gather as much information from international organizations and trying to find correlating factors.

Reviewer Keywords
climate change and its effect on life and health life threatening diseases origin and evolution of viruses and other micro-organisms


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