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Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Sherifa Ahmad Hamed
Associate Professor of Neurology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Assiut University
Assiut, Egypt
Name : Sherifa Ahmad Hamed
Title : Associate Professor of Neurology
Sex : female
Date of birth : October 26th, 1966
Place of birth : Beni Sueif, Egypt
Nationality : Egyptian
Affiliation : Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Neurology and Psychiatry Department
Home address : City First Street No. 27 Assiut, Egypt
Specialty : Clinical Neurology
Phone : 002 088 2371820 (home)
+2 0115324560
Fax : 002 088 2333327
002 088 2332278
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address: Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4th floor, Room # 4, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt 71516
1- Bachelors of Medicine (MBBCH), Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt 1989 (Excellent with honour).
2- Master Degree (MSC) in Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Egypt 1995 (Excellent).
3- Doctor Degree in Neurology (M.D.), Assiut University, Egypt November 2002.
Position Period Place
Associate professor December 2007 - Now Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Assistant professor December 2002 -2007 Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Lecturer of Neurology April 1994 - February 2002 Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Senior House Officer March 1991 – February 1994 Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Internship March 1990 - February 1991 Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Position Period Place
Consultant Neurologist, Head of the Neuroscience Department March 2005 – June 2007 Saudi German Hospital - Aseer
Saudi Arabia
Position Period Place
Post Doc Research Fellow August 1998 – July 2002 CRI Center III, Children’s Research Institute, Children’s National Medical Center, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Post Doc Research Visitor July 2010 CLS 15073
Children's Hospital Boston
3 Blackfan Street
Boston, MA 02115
Telephone: 617-919-4552
1998-2000 Post doctoral research fellow in Professor Dr. Eric Hoffman lab in CRI Center III, Children’s Research Institute, Children’s National Medical Center, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
July 2010 Post doctoral research visitor in Professor Dr. Louis Kunkel lab, in the Manton Research Center of Orphan diseases, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
1. Award for scientific and academic achievement for the superior presentation in basic research by a fellow at the Fourteenth annual advances in pediatrics educational and scientific forum, at May 4, 2000, Children’s Research Institute, Washington DC, USA.
Presentation titled:
“DNA Sequence Analysis for Structure/Function and Mutation Studies in Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophies Using High Throughput Automated Capillary Electrophoresis.
2. Assiut University Encouragement Award, August 2009/2010, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
3. Young Arab Researchers Award of Abdul Hameed Shoman for the year 2010/2011.
Assiut University Hospital is the biggest hospital in Upper Egypt and the third biggest one in the whole country. It is 2600 bedded hospital. The department of Neurology and Psychiatry consists of 125 beds including Neurology Unit (38 beds), Psychiatry Unit (77 beds) [in-patients=42, emergency Psychiatry=20, Addiction section=10], Stroke Unit (10 beds) and Neurophysiology Unit containing (conventional and digital EEG, EMG, Evoked potential and Transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS). During my posts in this department, I have worked as a house officer (2 months), resident (3 years), lecturer (7 years), assistant professor (5 years) and associate professor (now). I handled confidently all tasks in the outpatient clinic, hospital-ward duties, and management of emergency cases. Also, I participated actively in all scientific activities including seminars, conferences and workshops.
- Lecturer for 7 years with teaching clinical rounds and lectures to the undergraduate medical students (4th, 5th and 6th grades) in Assiut University.
- Assistant professor of Neurology from 2002 to 2007 with undergraduate, graduate student and post graduate teaching.
- Associate professor of Neurology from 2007 till now with undergraduate, graduate student and post graduate teaching.
Training for Transcranial Doppler utilization for diagnosis in vascular diseases. Saudi German Hospital, Jedda, August 2005.
Botox injection for treatment of spasticity, hemifacial spasms and involuntary extrapyramidal disorders, Jedda, 2005.
Featured on
'The Aspects and Mechanisms of Cognitive Alterations in Epilepsy: The Role of Antiepileptic Medications' in CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. (selected as number 8 on PharmacistLinx site. Tuesday, July 7, 2009).
Master Thesis project: “Clinical and radiological study of non-compressive compressive myelopathy”. 1995.
M.D. Thesis Project: “DNA sequence analysis for Structure/Function and Mutation studies in Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy“. 2000
- Determine the molecular basis of inherited muscle disease, using genetic linkage, molecular genetic mutation, biochemical and pathophysiological studies. Disease studies in Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy (dystrophinopathies) and sarcoglycanopathies.
- Epilepsy, mechanisms, neuronal plasticity and neuroprotection in epilepsy.
1. Annals of internal Medicine
2. Neuromuscular disorder
3. Seizure
4. Epilepsy Research
5. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics
6. Clinical Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery
7. Journal of Neurology
8. European Journal of Neurology
9. J of Paediatric Neurology
10. Journal of Pediatric epilepsy
11. Journal of Pediatric Genetics
12. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience
13. Pediatric Neuroradiology
14. Pain practice
15. Cephalgia
16. Neuroscience bulletin
17. Acta Neuropsychiatrica
18. Annals of African Medicine
19. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy
20. Current Pharmaceutical Design
21. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
22. Hypertension Research
23. Nutrition & Metabolism
24. Gender Medicine
25. Medical Science Monitor
26. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
27. Asian Pacific League association of Rheumatology
28. Rheumatology
29. Journal of Impotence Research
30. Case Reports in Toxicology
31. Clinical Therapeutics
32. Neural Regeneration research (NNR)
33. Biomarkers insights
34. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity
35. Internal Medicine: Cardiology
36. Clinical Rheumatology
37. Achieves of medical Genetics
38. BMJ Learning group
39. Neurological Foundation of New Zealand for grant applications
40. Insight knowledge (
41. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment
42. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
43. Journal of Medical Case Reports
44. Vestibular Research
45. Central Nervous System Agents in Medical Chemistry (
- Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience (associate editor)
- Archives of Medical Genetics (section editor)
- Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience (Sector editor)
- World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (WJO)
- World Journal of Hypertension
- World Journal of Psychiatry
- World journal of Neurology
- Case report toxicology
- Metabolomics
- Journal of Post genomics; Drug & Biomarker Development
- Psychoneuroendocrinology
- Elsevier Editorial members
- American Journal of Medicine
- OMICS GROUP Editorial board
- Host editor in Frontiers Research Topic
- H & E staining of the muscle to test integrity of the muscle biopsy and general histopathology.
- Cryosections of muscle biopsy and immunostaining for dystrophin by immunofluorescence using antibodies directed against both the amino- and carboxyl-termini (60kd, d10). Also cryosections and immunostaining for - Sarcoglycan and merosin -2 laminin.
- Western blotting (immunoblotting) using monoclonal antibodies directed against the dystrophin rod domain to detect size and quantity of dystrophin protein and running SDS-PAGE gel.
- Preparation and running different types of gels (Electrophoresis) as agarose, acrylamide gel of different concentrations.
- Genomic DNA extraction from whole blood, nuclei and muscle.
- Genomic DNA extraction from chorionic villous samples for prenatal diagnosis of DMD/BMD.
- Extraction of RNA form muscle with guanidinium thiocyante followed by centrifugation in cesium chloride then synthesis of first strand cDNA using reverse transcriptase enzyme.
- PCR and RT-PCR amplification reactions.
- Begg’s and Chamberlain deletion analysis for dystrophin mutation: Multiplex PCR using 18 primer sets of (which cover the 2 hot spots for dystrophin gene gross rearrangement).
- Linkage analysis using 4 primers sets directed against CA repeat located at 5’ end of dystrophin (5’Dys II), STR-45, STR-49 and CA repeat located at the 3’ end of dystrophin (3’CA).
- Quantitative DNA testing.
- Hot PCR and digest for Ca2+ channelopathies (hypokalemic periodic paralysis).
- X-inactivation restriction enzyme digest (Androgen Receptor Site).
- Point mutation detection in the whole 11,385bp coding sequence for dystrophin using high throughput automated capillary gel electrophoresis (Beckman-Coulter CEQ2000).
- QMF-PCR (Quantitative Multiplex Fluorescence PCR) for quantitation or dosage on automated sequencers LiCor IR2.
1- Clinical and radiological study of non-compressive compressive myelopathy. Annual meeting on Neurology, Neurosugery and Psychiatry, Aswan, Egypt, 1994.
2- DNA Sequence Analysis for Structure/Function and Mutation Studies in Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophies Using High Throughput Automated Capillary Electrophoresis 14th annual advances in pediatrics educational and scientific forum, at May 4, 2000, Children’s Research Institute, Washington DC, USA.
3- Basics for understanding the principles of the field of molecular genetics. Annual meeting on Neurology, Neurosugery and Psychiatry, Assiut, Egypt, 2000.
4- DNA sequence analysis for structure/function and mutation studies in Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophies. Annual meeting on Neurology, Neurosugery and Psychiatry, Assiut, Egypt, 2000.
5- Blood levels of trace elements, electrolytes and oxidative stress/antioxidants systems in epileptic patients. The 29th Annual International of the Egyptian Society of Neurological Surgery, Alexandria, Egypt, April 9th, 2004.
6- Epilepsy pharmaco-refractoriness; What’s beyond pharmacotherapy. 21st new looks in medically intractable epilepsy. September 2004, Al-Azhar University, Neurology and psychiatry department. Cairo, Egypt.
7- The effects of glucocorticoid therapy on the inflammatory and dendritic cells in muscular dystrophies. Annual meeting on Neurology, Neurosugery and Psychiatry, Jedda, Saudia Arabia, March 2004.
8- Childhood Epilepsy classification and management. Saudi German Hospital, SDH-Aseer, Saudia Arabia, April 2005.
9- The Effect of Glucocorticoid Therapy on The inflammatory & Dendritic cells in Muscular Dystrophies. 2nd annual scientific research day of King Khalid University college of Medicine. Abha, Saudia Arabia on May 5th 2005.
10- The High Atherosclerotic Risk among Epileptics: The Atheroprotective Role of Multivitamins. Annual meeting on Neurology, Neurosugery and Psychiatry, Hurghada, Egypt, 2005.
11- Understanding the molecular genetics of Duchenne and Becker Muscular dystrophy: Current Pharmacological and Gene Therapy. Saudi German Hospital-Aseer, Saudia Arabia, May 2005.
12- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, definition and management. Annual Childhood disability conference. Saudi German Hospital-Aseer, Saudia Arabia, April, 2005.
13- Adult and childhood migraine. Saudi German Hospital-Aseer, Saudi Arabia, November, 2005.
14- Serum Thyroid Hormone Balance and Lipid Profile in Patients with Epilepsy. Emerging Growth Markets Neuroscience, Triple Standalone “Sharing the Experience - Shaping the Future”, Hong Kong, February 2006.
15- Irreversible Cochlear Damage In Myasthenia Gravis: Otoacoustic emissions analysis. 3rd annual scientific research day of King Khalid University college of Medicine. Abha, Saudia Arabia on May 11th 2006.
16- Unusual presentations of Neurocysticercosis in Saudia Arabia. 9th Saudi Gastroenterology Association Conference ". Abha, Saudia Arabia from May 07 – 10, 2007.
17- Genetic Disorders among Egyptian Population: Experience from Epidemiologic & Molecular Data. The Human Variome Project Forum-Spotlight on Neurogenetics to be held on 19th October 2009 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii.
18- Dystrophin gene mutations in Egyptian patients with Duchenne & Becker Muscular Dystrophy. The Human Variome Project Forum-Spotlight on Neurogenetics held on 19th October 2009 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii.
19- Septic encephalopathy: Relationship to serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of adhesion molecules, lipid peroxides and S-100B protein. 2nd World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research to be hold on 12th September 2011 at Baltimore, USA
20- Biomarkers of brain function in children with uncomplicated epilepsy. 2nd World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research to be hold on 12th September 2011 at Baltimore, USA.
21- The Human Variome Project Meeting. International Confederation of Countries Advisory Council Inaugural. An Egyptian Node Representative. 8th-12th December 2011 at the Radegast Lake View Hotel, Beijing, China.
22- International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology & Therapeutics. The risks of suicidality in adult patients with epilepsy. OMICS Group Conferences hold on 14-16 May 2012 Las Vegas, USA.
23- The 4th Biennial Human Variome Project Beijing Meeting to be held 1th – 15th June 2012, at UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France.
Pattern of epilepsy in childhood and adolescents in Assiut. A hospital-based study (Master).
Pattern of Neurological disorders of Assiut University Hospital: A retrospective study (Master).
Evoked potentials evaluation in children with epilepsy (Master)
Cognitive Impairment in Epilepsy (Master)
Epidemiology of migraine and tension headache in Assiut district (Doctor Degree).
Neuropsychological consequences of idiopathic epilepsy (Master).
General public:
I am a member of the medical advisory panel for Neurology, Egypt (1991-to-present). I regularly conduct lectures for epilepsy and muscle disorders field officers, general practitioners, teachers, psychologists, EEG technicians and parents groups on epilepsy, epilepsy syndromes, genetics of epilepsy and hereditary muscle disorders.
I am a member of the medical advisory panel for
Professional groups:
President of the Saudian Neurology club (Aseer) (2005-2007)
- Egyptian Society of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
- Human Variome Project (HVP)
- International Confederation of Countries Advisory Council group for the HVP
- American Association of Neurology and Stroke
- European Society of Neurology
- Japanese Society of Pharmacology
- Advisory member in
- Medscape CME Member
- The Research Cooperative Review team
- Neuropsychiatry Community in the Middle East,
- Autoimmunity network
- Lifting the Burden (LTB) Education. The official relation to the World Health Organization. The Global Campaign against Headache
- Endocrine Society
- Evolution of medical publishing at
DATABASE REPORTS: Leiden Muscular Dystrophy Pages [(point mutations, reference for 29 novel point mutations in Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophies and 14 polymophisms (plus 3 novel and 11 recurrent polymorphisms)].
PAPERS (International Publications):
1- Wagner KR, Hamed S, Hadley DW, Gropman AL, Burstein AH, Pharm D, Escolar DM, Hoffman EP and Fischbeck KH. Gentamicin treatment of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy due to nonsense mutations. Ann Neurol 2001;49:706-711.
2- Hamed AS, Sutherland-Smith AJ, Gorospe JR, Kendrick-Jones J and Hoffman EP. DNA sequence analysis for structure/function and mutation studies in Becker muscular dystrophy. Clinical Genetics 2005;68:69-79.
3- Hamed SA and Hoffman EP. Automated sequence screening of the entire dystrophin cDNA in Duchenne dystrophy: Point mutation detection. Am J Med Genet; Part B 2006;141B(1):44-50.
4- Hamed EA, Meki ARM, Gaafar AA and Hamed SA. Role of some vasoactive mediators in patients with erectile dysfunction: their relationship with angiotensin-converting enzyme and growth hormone. International Journal of Impotence Research 2003;15:418-425.
5- Hamed SA, Abdellah MM and El-Melegy NT. Blood levels of trace elements, electrolytes and oxidative stress/antioxidant systems in epileptic patients. Japanese Journal of pharmacological Sciences 2004;96:465-473.
6- Hamed SA, Elattar AM and Hamed EA. Irreversible Cochlear Damage in Myasthenia Gravis: Otoacoustic emissions analysis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 2006;113(1):46-54.
7- Hussein MR, Hamed SA, Mostafa MG, Abu-Dief EE, Kamel NF, Kandil MR. The effects of glucocorticoid therapy on the inflammatory and dendritic cells in muscular dystrophies. Journal of Experimental Pathology 2006;87:451-461.
8- Hamed SA, Mohamed KA, EL-taher A, Enas AM, Hamed EA, Omar H. The Sexual and Reproductive Health in Men with Generalized Epilepsy: A Multidisciplinary Evaluation. International Journal of Impotence Research 2006;18:287-292.
9- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Kandil MR, El-Shereef HK, Abdellah MM and Omar H. Serum Thyroid Hormone Balance and Lipid Profile in Patients with Epilepsy. Epilepsy Research 2005;66:173-183.
10- El Desoky ES, Mohamed HO, Farghaly WM, Hamed SA, Hedaya MA, Siest JP. Study of urinary 6-beta-hydorxy/cortisol ration in spot urine sample as a biomarker of 3A4 activity in healthy and epileptic subjects of Egyptian population. Pharmacol Res 2005;51(6):575-580.
11- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Elatar AM, Abdel Rahman MS and Amine NF. Cranial Neuropathy in Rheumatoid arthritis with special emphasis to II, V, VII, VIII and XI cranial nerves. APLAR 2006;9:216-226.
12- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Hamdy R, Nabeshima T. Vascular risk factors and oxidative stress as independent predictors of asymptomatic atherosclerosis in Adult patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 2007;74:183-192.
13- Hamed SA, Abdel Rahman MS. Intravitreal Triamcinolone in Treatment of Diffuse Diabetic Macular Edema: Functional and Anatomic Evaluation. African Journal of Neurological Sciences 2006;25(1):22-32.
14- Hamed SA, Hamed SA, Shokry M, Mohamed HO, Abdellah MM. The Reproductive Conditions and Lipid Profile in Females with Epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia; 2007;115:12-27.
15- Hamed SA, El-Metaal HE. Neurocysticercosis in Saudi Arabia. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 2007;115(3):192-198.
16- Hussein AARM, Sherifa A. Hamed SA, Nabil Abdel-Hakim. Central Cortical Dysfunction in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Role of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. international journal of tuberculosis and lung diseases journal 2007;11(5):515-521
17- Kandil MR, Ahmed WA, Sayed AM, Hamed SA. Pattern of Epilepsy in Childhood and Adolescence: A Hospital-Based Study. African Journal of Neurological sciences 2007;26(1):33-45.
18- Hamed SA. Drug evaluation: PTC-124 - a potential treatment of cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. IDrugs. 2006;9(11):783-789.
19- Sherifa A. Hamed, Enas A. Hamed, Magda H. Farghaly, Khalid A. Ezam. Trace elements and flappy tremors in patients with liver cirrhosis: Is there a relationship? Saudi medical Journal 2008;29(3):477-483.
20- Hamed SA, Amine NF, Galal GM, Helal SR, Tag El-Din LM, Shawky OS, Abdel Rahman MS. Vascular Risks and Complications in Diabetes Mellitus: The role of Helicobacter Pylori infection. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases 2008;17(2):86-94.
21- Khedr E, Hamed SA, Elbeih E, El-Shereef H, Ahmad Y, Ahmed S. Iron states and cognitive abilities in young adults: Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological assessment. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurosciene 2008;258(8):489-496.
22- Hamed SA, Fida NM, Hamed EA. States of serum leptin and insulin in children with epilepsy: Risk predictors of weight gain. European J Ped Neurol 2009;13:261-268.
23- Khedr EA, Hamed SA, El-Shereef K, Shawky OA, Mohamed KA, Awad EM, Ahmed MA, Shehata GA, Eltahtawy MA. Cognitive impairment after cerebrovascular stroke: relationship to vascular risk factors. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2009;5:103-116.
24- Khedr EM, Rashad SM, Hamed SA, El-Zharaa F, Abdel Karim H Abdalla Neurological complications of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Neurophysiological Assessment. Rheurmatology International 2009; 29(9):1031-1040.
25- Khedr EH, Hamed SA, Mohammed GA, El. Attar AH. A preliminary study of multimodal evoked potentials in relation to outcome in term infants. J Pediatr Neurol 2009;7(3):265-273.
26- Hamed SA, Mahmoud MA. The risk of asymptomatic hyperammonemia in children with idiopathic epilepsy treated with valproate: Relationship to blood carnitine status. Epilepsy research 2009;86(1):32-41.
27- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Abdella MM. Septic encephalopathy: Relationship to serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of adhesion molecules, lipid peroxides and S-100B protein. Neuropediatrics 2009;40:66-72.
28- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Zakari MM. oxidative stress and S-100B protein in children with bacterial meningitis. BMC Neurology; 2009;9(1):51.
29- Jaber SM, Hamed EA, Hamed SA. Adhesion Molecules Profile in Children with Bacterial Meningitis and Sepsis. J of Pediatric Neurology 2009;7:357-366.
30- Jaber SM, Hamed EA, Hamed SA. Adhesion Molecule levels in serum and cerebrospinal fluid in Children with Bacterial Meningitis and Sepsis. J of Pediatric Neuroscience 2009;4(2):76-85.
31- Shehata GA, Bateh AM, Hamed SA, Rageh TA, Elsorogy YB. Effect of antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine versus valproate) on cognition and behaviour of adult males with epilepsy. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2009;5:527-533.
32- Hamed SA. A Migraine Variant with Abdominal Colic and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: A Case Report and Review. BMC Neurol. 2010;10(1):2
33- Hamed SA, Hamed EA, Mahmoud AA, Mahmoud NM. Vascular risk factors, endothelial function and carotid thickness in patients with migraine: relationship to atherosclerosis. J of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases 2010;19(2):92-103
34- Hamed SA, Elattar AM. Auditory Involvement in Hyperuricemia: Otoacoustic Emissions Analysis. American Journal of Otolaryngology; 2010;31(3):154-161.
35- Hamed SA. Cerebrolysin in Treatment of Acquired Peripheral Nervous System Diseases: A clinical experience. Neural Regen Res. 2011;6(18):1415-1420.
36- El-kossi AE, Abdellah MM, Rashad AM, Hamed SA. The Effectiveness of Evening Primrose in Glycemic Control and Improvement of Nerve Structure and Function in Diabetic Rats. Journal of clinical and experimental investigations 2011; 2 (2): 133-150.
37- Sobrido M, Bertram L, Fink J, Haworth A, Hamed S, Cruts M, Shuele B, Farrer M, Cotton R. Neurogenetics consortium within the Human Variome Project initiating meeting: October 19, Honolulu (Hawaii): Summary of the meeting and main conclusions., 2009
38- Haworth A, Bertram L, Carrera P, Elson JL, Braastad CD, Cox DW, Cruts M, den Dunnen JT, Farrer MJ, Fink JK, Hamed SA, Houlden H, Johnson DR, Nuytemans K, Palau F, Rayan DL, Robinson PN, Salas A, Schüle B, Sweeney MG, Woods MO, Amigo J, Cotton RG, Sobrido MJ. Call for participation in the neurogenetics consortium within the Human Variome Project. Neurogenetics. 2011;12(3):169-173.
39- Hamed SA, Selim ZI, Elattar AM, Ahmed EA, Elsorogy YM Mohamed HO. Assessment of biocorrelates for brain involvement in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2012;31:123–132.
40- Hamed SA, Darwish ES, Youssef AH, Abo-Fadan NH, Abdellah MM, Bathalath AMS. The effect of antiepileptic drugs on the evoked potentials of children with idiopathic epilepsy. Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy 2012;2:103–112.
41- Hamed SA, Youssef AH, Elattar AM. Assessment of cochlear and auditory pathways functions with migraine. American Journal of Otolaryngology. 2012;33(4): 385-394.
42- Hamed EA, Hamed SA. Metabolic and hormonal changes in obese patients with and without diabetic mellitus. International journal of diabetes mellitus. In Press
43- Hamed SA, Metwaly NA, Hassan MM, Mohamed KA, Ahmad MA, Soliman AA, Elsaied AM. Depression in adults with epilepsy: relationship to psychobiological variables. World Journal of Neurology 2012: In Press
44- Hamed SA, Elserogy YE, Abdou MA, Abdellah MM. The risks of suicidality in adult patients with epilepsy. World Journal of Psychiatry. In Press
45- Hamed SA, Eltayeb AA, Ahmad HK, Abdou MA. Brain function in children with uncomplicated epilepsy: relationship to biomarkers of brain damage (neuron specific enolase and S100β protein). Journal of Paediatric epilepsy. In Press
46- Metwalley KA, Farghaly HS, Darweesh MA; Hamed SA. Cognitive Delay in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis in a Developing Country: Clinical Correlations. Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy. In Press
47- George P. Patrinos*, Timothy D. Smith, Heather Howard 2, Fahd Al-Mulla 3, Lofti Chouchane 4, Andreas Hadjisavvas 5, Sherifa A. Hamed 6, Xi-Tao Li 7, Makia Marafie 8, Rajkumar S. Ramesar 9, Feliciano J. Ramos 10, Thomy de Ravel 11, Mona O. El-Ruby 12, Tilak Ram Shrestha 13, María-Jesús Sobrido 14, Ghazi Tadmouri 15, Martina Witsch-Baumgartner 16, Bin Alwi Zilfalil 17, Arleen D. Auerbach 18, Kevin Carpenter 19, Garry Cutting 20, Vu Chi Dung 21, Wayne Grody 22, Julia Hasler 23, Lynn Jorde 24, Jim Kaput 25, Milan Macek 26, Yoichi Matsubara 27, Carmancita Padilla 28, Helen Robinson 2,29, Augusto Rojas-Martinez 30, Graham Taylor 31, Mauno Vihinen 32, Tom Weber 33, John Burn 34, Ming Qi 35,36, Richard G. H. Cotton 2,37, David Rimoin 38; International Confederation of Countries Advisory Council. Human Variome Project Country Nodes: Documenting genetic information within a country. Human mutation: In Press
48- Hamed SA, Abd Elaal RF, Youssef AH, Ali HMA, Elattar AM, Elsaied AM. Neuropsychological, Neurophysiological and Laboratory Markers of Direct Brain Injury in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience 2012. In Press
49- Hamed SA, Elattar AM. Vestibular function in patients with migraine. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience. In Press
REVIEW ARTICLES (International Publications):
1- Hamed SA and Abdellah MM. Trace elements and electrolytes homeostasis and their relation to antioxidant enzyme activity in brain hyperexcitability of epileptic patients. Critical Review Article, Japanese Journal of pharmacological Sciences 2004;96:349-359.
2- Hamed SA and Nabeshima T. The High Atherosclerotic Risk Among Epileptics: The Atheroprotective Role of Multivitamins. Critical Review Article, Japanese Journal of pharmacological Sciences 2005;98(4)340-353.
3- Hamed SA. Leptin and Insulin Homeostasis In Epilepsy: Relation To Weight Adverse Conditions. Epilepsy Research 2007; 75:1-9.
4- Hamed SA. Neuroendocrine hormonal conditions in epilepsy: relationship to reproductive and sexual functions. The neurologist 2008;14(3):157-69.
5- Hamed SA. Neuronal Plasticity: Implications in Epilepsy Progression and Management. Drug Development Research 2007;68(8):498-511.
6- Hamed SA. The vascular risk associations with migraine: Relation to migraine susceptibility and progression. Atherosclerosis 2009;205:15-22.
7- Hamed SA. The Aspects and Mechanisms of Cognitive Alterations in Epilepsy: The role of antiepileptic medications. CNS neuroscience and therapeutics 2009; 15: 134-156.
8. Hamed SA. Cognitive issues in epilepsy. International Journal of Psychology research 2010;6(1-2):1-51.
9- Hamed SA. The Rationale for Neuroprotection In Epilepsy: Steps Forward for New Therapeutic And Preventive Strategies. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 2010;9(1):65-102.
10- Hamed SA. The multimodal prospects for neuroprotection and disease modification in epilepsy: Relationship to its challenging neurobiology. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 2010; 28(3): 323-348.
11- Hamed SA. Blood pressure changes in patients with migraine: Evidences, controversial views and potential mechanisms of comorbidity. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience 2010;1(2):2 doi: 10:3823/306
12- Hamed SA. Influences of bone and mineral metabolism in epilepsy. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2011;10(2):265-80.
13- Hamed SA. Psychiatric symptomatology and disorders related to epilepsy and antiepileptic medications. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2011;10(6): 913–934.
14- Hamed SA. Types and mechanisms of cognitive deficits in childhood epilepsy. J Pediatr Epilepsy 2012;1(1): 11-26.
15- Hamed SA. Comorbid nervous system manifestations and disorders with myasthenia gravis: Evidences and possible mechanisms. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience. 2011: In Press
16- Hamed SA. Characterization and consequences of vascular risk comorbidities with epilepsy. World Journal of Hypertension. Unsubmitted
PAPERS (National Publications):
1- Goma A, Abdel-Regal S, Abdellah and Hamed S. Monitoring antiepiletptic Drug therapy In Upper Egypt: A retrospective 6-years experience in Carbamazepine. J Egypt Soc Pharmacol Exp Ther 2004;25(2):319-335.
2- Goma A, Abdel-Regal S, Abdellah M and Hamed S Evalution of therapeutic drugs monitoring of Valproic acid: A 6-years experience in Upper Egypt. J Egypt Soc Pharmacol Exp Ther 2004; 25(2):431-452.
3- Osman AM, El-Tallawy HN, Hossan HA, Hamed SA, Mohamed KA, Abdel Hakeem N and Moneim MA. Prevalence of lead toxicity among secondary school students in Sohag city (Upper Egypt) and its impact on cognitive function. The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery. 2005;42(2):505-516.
4- Hamed EA, Hamed EA, Hamed SA, Gamal HA. Synovial fluid and serum levels of E-selectin, IL-1 and TNF- in rheumatoid arthritis patients. JKAU: Med. Sci. 2007;14(1):19-34.
Vascular risk factors, endothelial function and carotid thickness in patients with migraine: relationship to atherosclerosis. IHS Newsletters. submitted
1- The High Atherosclerotic Risk In Patients with Epilepsy,, editorial commentary, Jan 2007.
2- Vascular risk factors and oxidative stress as independent predictors of asymptomatic atherosclerosis in Adult patients with epilepsy, 2007;, editorial commentary.
3- Vascular Risks and Complications in Diabetes Mellitus: The role of Helicobacter Pylori infection,, editorial commentary, August 2008.
4- Vascular risk factors, endothelial function and carotid thickness in patients with migraine: relationship to atherosclerosis, 2010;, editorial commentary, May; 2010.
1. Hamed SA. Cognitive aspects in idiopathic epilepsy (Chapter 1). In: Cognitive impairment Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments. Melanie L. Landaw (ed.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2009: pp 1-13.
2. Hamed SA. Leptin and insulin homeostasis in epilepsy: relation to weight adverse conditions (Chapter 2). In: Metabolic Influences on Neurological Disorders. Gayle H. Doherty (ed.); Transworld Research Network. 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023 , Kerala, India 2010: pp 13-27
3. Hamed SA. Blood pressure changes in patients with migraine: Evidences, controversial views and potential mechanisms of comorbidity (Chapter III). In: Systolic Blood Pressure: Influences, Associations and Management. Robert A. Arfi (ed.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2011: pp XXX: In Press
4. Hamed SA. The relationship between myasthenia gravis and nervous and non-nervous system immune-mediated diseases: Evidences and hypothesized mechanisms (Chapter XX). In: Neuroinflammation: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms and Management. XXX (ed.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2011: pp XXX: In Press
5. Hamed SA. Childhood epilepsy and cognition (Chapter XX). In: Pediatric Neurology. XXX (ed.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2011: pp XXX: In Press
6. Hamed SA. Behavioural comorbidities with epilepsy: Special emphasis to antiepileptic medications. (Chapter 1). In: In: Seizures and Anti-Epileptic Drugs. W. Hosten and A. burtsev (eds.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2011: pp XXX: In Press
Hamed SA. Cognitive aspects in idiopathic epilepsy. Sherifa A. Hamed (ed.); Nova Science publishers; Inc. 2011: pp 1-61.
The Experts Speak Epilepsy, Atherosclerosis and Multivitamins published in
1- Simple Practical Neurotherapeutic Outline Guide For Residents In The Neuropsychiatry Department. Assiut University Hospital.
2- Clinical Neurology for undergraduate medical students. Neurology Department. Assiut University Hospital.
PTC-124-treatment for Cystic Fibrosis and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy with nonsense mutations: Preliminary results of phase I/II clinical trials, Drug evaluation. Thomson Scientific [PTC Therapeutics INC] Drug Report (Website).
Reviewer Keywords
cerebrovascular accident covid19 epilepsy disorders neuroanesthesia neuro-cognitive neurodegenerative conditions neuroendocrine neuroepidemiology neurogenetics neuroinflammation neurology and psychiatric disorders neurology and systemic disease neuro-ophthalmology neuro-otology neuropharmacology neuroplasticity neuropsychiatric disorders neuropsychiatric manifestation neuroscience parkinson' s diseasePublications (0)
Recent article categories: Neurology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine