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Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav
Name Dr Y R Yadav
Date of birth….2 April 1958.
Address.. 105 Nehru Nagar Opposite Medical College Jabalpur MP India Pin 482003
Academic qualification: MBBS, MS, MCh (Neurosurgery PGIMER Chandigarh India)
Present post held: Associate professor and head Neurosurgery unit NSCB Medical College Jabalpur MP
1. Chairman endoscopic skull base surgery. CME on skull base. Dehradun 14-15 July 2012.
Member Advisory Editorial Board:
"Journal of Bioscience and Medicine" (JBM, ISSN: 2161-2625)
Recent interest:
1. Neuro endoscopy
2. Hydrocephalus
3. Tubercular meningitis with hydrocephalus
4. Skull base
Expert Reviewer/ referee of international journals:
1. International journal of medicine and medical science.
2. Journal of cancer research and experimental oncology.
3. Archives of medical science
4. Surgical Neurology International.
5. Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health
6. Journal of Neurosciences in rural practice
Special achievements:
1. Charak award 2011 by IMA MP chapter: CHARAK AWARD is presented to an eminent doctor for his devoted, selfless service to the profession and mankind.
2. Name included in which includes only selected good articles in medical science. This can be viewed on[email protected]
3. Name included in T space Library university Toronto at
4. Name included in google scholar at page
5. Name included in health tourism India site for minimally invasive brain surgery by endoscope at
6. Article endoscopic management of intraventricular hemorrhage.. has been cited in wikipedia
7. Article endoscopic management of hypertensive intraventricular hemorrhage is been cited in wikipedia in management of hydrocephalus at reference number 6
8. Article of endoscopic management of hypertensive intraventricular hemorrhage has been prominently quoted in Wikipedia (an free encyclopedia) as reference number 1 frequently as and
8. Established Neurosurgery unit at NSCB medical college with facilities of almost all kinds of operations including microsurgery and endoscopic surgery.
9. Started first fellowship program on Neuro endoscopy in India.
10. Invited Guest faculty as speaker in CME in National conference of Neurological society of India Dec 2010 (Topic endoscopic management of Atlanto- Axial dislocation, how I do it.)
11. Invited guest faculty and faculty for hands on cadaveric workshop in National Neuro spinal conference Indore Sept 2010.
12. Invited guest faculty and faculty for hands on cadaveric workshop in National Neurotrauma conference Chennai Aug 18-21, 2010.
13. Devised a new minimally brain retractor, accepted for publication in Neurology India.
14. Chaired session in Annual conference of Neuro-spinal surgeons of India Jaipur Oct 2006
15. Chaired session in 59th Annual conference of Neurology society of India Jaipur Dec 16-19, 2010
16. Chaired session in Annual conference of Neuro-spinal surgeons of India Indore Sept 2010.
17. Chaired session in Annual conference of neurological science of MP Kanha Jan 30-31, 2010
18. Chaired session in Annual conference of neurological science of MP Bhopal Feb, 2009
19. Chaired session in Annual conference of neurological science of MP Gwalior March 2008
20. Vice President MP Association of Neuroscience 2006-7
21. President MP Association of Neuroscience 2007-8
22. Principal investigator of CRASH Trial 2 Sponsored by Medical Research Council (MRC London)
23. Principal investigator of brain Trial Sponsored by Medical Research Council (MRC London)
24. Member review board Achieves of medical science journal
25. Examiner of university of Gujrat for Neurosurgery ( M Ch Neurosurgery)
26. More than 22 years teaching experience in Neurosurgery
27. Invited National faculty for Live Endoscopic Neuro surgery National workshop at Raipur India 2008.
28. Invited National faculty for Live Endoscopic Neuro surgery National workshop at Kota India 2008.
29. National faculty for Live Endoscopic Neuro surgery National workshop at Jabalpur MP India 2005
1. Primary tumours of spine. 38th Annual Conference of NSI, Dec 1988.
2. Cerebello-pontine angle tumours-A review- of 162 patients from PGIMER
Chandigarh 39th Annual Conference of NSI 16-19, Dec 1990. Indore.
3. Post operative cervical pseudomeningocele. 39th Annual Conference of NSI 16-
19 Dec 1990. Indore.
4. Head injury in first decade of life .40th Annual Conference of Neurological
Society of India. 17-21 Dec, 1991. Manipal.
5. Primary spinal melanoma. 41 Annual Conference of NSI Dec. 1993. Madras.
6. Intraventricular arachnoid cyst 41 Annual Conference of NSI Dec. 1993.
7. Pediatric head injury -Annual conference of pediatric Neurosurgery 13th Dec.
1994. Banglore.
8. Adult diastematomyelia. Annual conference of NSI Dec, 1994. Banglore
9. Corpus Callosal lipoma with frontal encephalocele . Annual conference of NSI
Dec. 13,1994. Banglore
10. Spinal dysrrhaphism -State chapter ASI Gwalior 14-15 April, 1995.
11 Hydrocephalus--- State chapter ASI Gwalior 14-15, April, 1995.
12. Spinal tumours. 1X Annual Conference of Association of Spinal surgeons of India
Jabalpur 28-29, Oct. 1995.
13. Spinal dysrrhaphisin IX Annual conference of Association of spinal surgeons of
India. Jabalpur ,28-29, Oct. 1995.
14. Intracranial space occupying lesions, Jabalpur experience.43 Annual Conference of I.M.A.Gwalior. 14-15 Nov. 1995.
15. Percutaneous Lumbo-peritoneal shunt : Jabalpur experience -Annual conference of NSI Dec. 1995. New Delhi.
16. Primary lymphoma of skull -- Annual conference of NSI Dec. 1995 New Delhi.
17. Extracalvarial meningioma.-- Annual conference of NSI Dec. 1995 New Delhi
18. Percutaneous Lumbo- peritoneal shunt : Jabalpur experience -XIII Annual
Conference of ASI Bhopal, 15-17 March. 1996.
19. Congenital spinal Anomaly, XIII Annual conference of ASI Bhopal. 15-17 March, 1996.
20. Intracranial space occupying lesions, Jabalpur experience XIII Annual conference
of ASI. Bhopal, 15-16 March, 1996
21. Spinal Injuries. Xlll Annual Conference of ASI Bhopal, 15-17 March. 1996
Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav cont…
22. Depressed Fracture of skull. XIII Annual Conference of ASI Bhopal. 15-16
March. 1996
23. Low back pain -A study of 63 consecutive operated cases XIII Annual conference
of ASI Bhopal, 15-17 March, 1996.
24. Percutaneous Lumbo- peritoneal shunt, I.M. A State chapter Nov. 1996, Satna –
-- Best Paper Award
25. Intracranial hematoma risk factor & prognostic factors -- state chapter ASI
Jabalpur .22-23 Feb
26. Brain Tumours-CME Military hospital Jabalpur. 8-9 Feb. 1997.
27. Growing skull fracture treated by T.P. shunt . Annual conference of Neuro-trauma
. Aug, 1999. Indore.
28. Role of tracheostomy in tetanus. VIII Annual conference of Association Surgeons
of India .Rajasthan chapter .29-30 Nov. 1986. Udaipur
29. Prognostic factors in tetanus VIII Annual conference of Association Surgeons of
India.Rajasthan chapter.28-30 Nov. 1986. Udaipur.
30. Toxic Megacolon. 46 Annual conference of Association Surgeons of India.20-23 Dec. 1986,Agra
31. Role of manual dilatation of cervix in puerperal tetanus. 32nd Annual conference
of International College of surgeons.26-28 Sept.. 1986. Jaipur.
32. Evaluation of fever in tetanus 9th Annual conference of Association Surgeons of
India Rajasthan chapter 29-30 Nov. 1987. Kota.
33. Site and degree of wound contamination as prognostic factor in tetanus. 9th
Annual conference of Association Surgeons of India. Rajasthan chapter .29-30
Nov. 1987.Kota.
34. Respiratory complications in tetanus four decade function, S.M.S. Medical
College 4th Feb. 1988. Jaipur.
35. Role of Nutritional status in cases of Tubercular Meningitis with Hydrocephalus
and it prognostic significance. National Conference On Dietary Management Of
Various Diseases. 27-29th March 1999.
36. Minimally invasive technique for V-P shunt surgery. Annual conference of NSI
Dec, Hyderabad. 1998.
37. Shunt surgery in tubercular meningitis hydrocephalus and comparison between
Lumber-peritoneal and ventriculo- peritoneal shunt Annual conference of NSI Dec
Hyderabad 1998.
38 Fronto- temporo - orbito - zygomatic approach for sphenoid wing meningioma.
1st annual conference of NSI State Chapter 2-3April 2000. Gwalior.
39. Fronto- temporo - orbito - zygomatic approach for sphenoid wing meningionia.
Surgeon's Club June 2000.
40. Fronto- temporo - orbito - zygomatic approach for sphenoid wing meningioma.
annual conference of NSI Dec 16-19, 2000 Chennai.
41. A New modified technique of twist drill aspiration in chronic subdural
haematoma National Neurotrauma conference Coimbtoire 2001.
Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav cont…
42. Movement disorder in ICSOL Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Gwalior 2-3 Feb 2003.
43. Temporary clipping of external carotid in convexity, parasagital and temporal base meningioma Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Gwalior 2-3 Feb 2003.
44. Audit of one year work of Neurosurgery unit of NSCB Medical College Jabalpur Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Gwalior 2-3 Feb 2003.
45. Experience of initial 78 case of endoscopic neurosurgery Annual conference of Neurological Society of India Indore 16-19 Dec 2004.
46. Intracranial bullet migration. Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Bhopal 15-16 April 2005.
47. Hemispheric ischemia in traumatic brain injury. Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Bhopal 15-16 April 2005
48. Thalamic abscess treated by endoscopic surgery. Annual conference of Association of MP Neurosciences Bhopal 15-16 April 2005
49. Endoscopic management of intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus Annual conference of Neurological society of India Agra Dec 2007
50. 50. Endoscopic management of arachnoid cyst Annual conference of Neurological society of India Pune Dec 2007
51. Yadav YR et al (First author) Endoscopic management of intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus. South Asian Neurosurgical Congress New Dehli 16-18 Feb 2007
52. Expanding traumatic intracranial hematoma Annual conference of Neurotrauma Bhuvneshwar Aust 2008
53. Endoscopic management of brain abscess Annual conference of Neurological Society of India 16-18 Dec Pune 2008
54. Endoscopic management of Atlanto-Axial dislocation. Annual conference of Neurological Society of India 16-18 Dec Lukhnow 2009.
55. Management of midline simple depressed fracture. Annual conference of MP Neurocon 30-31 Jan Kanha 2010.
56. Endoscopic management of supra sellar arachnoid cyst. Annual conference of MP Neurocon 30-31 Jan Kanha 2010.
57. Endoscopic management of multi compartmental arachnoid cyst. Annual conference of MP Neurocon 30-31 Jan Kanha 2010.
58. Endoscopic management of fixed Atlanto-Axial dislocation. 59th Annual conference of neuro spine surgeons of India Indore 17-19 Dec 2010.
59. Endoscopic management of fixed Atlanto-Axial dislocation, How I do it Annual conference of neurological society of India Jaipur 16-19 Dec 2010.
60. Endoscopic management of lumbar disc disease, 56 State chapter of IMA Jabalpur 13-14 Nov 2010
61. Neuro endoscopy: An overview: CME in Neurology 4-5 Dec 2010 Raipur.
62. Endoscopic management of TBM hydrocephalus CME in Neurology 4-5 Dec 2010 Raipur.
63. A new tubular brain retractor for micro endoscopic evacuation of deep intra cerebral hematoma. 59th Annual conference of neuro spine surgeons of India Indore 17-19 Dec 2010.
64. Endoscopic management of Atlanto-axial dislocation. How I do it. National conference of NSI Jaipur 16-19 2010.
65. Expanded endoscopic supra sellar approaches. Annual conference of neurological surgeons of India. Pune March 2012.
66. Endoscopic management of sellar and supra sellar lesions. CME on skull base. 14-15 July 2012.
67. Panel discussion on endoscopic treatment of pituitary tumor. CME on skull base. 14-15 July 2012.
Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav cont…
1. Pediatric head injuries. 1994.
2. Biochemical marker in head injury 1995.
3. Intracranial Hematomas in Head Injury-A Clinical Study with Special
Reference to Risk Factors and Prognostic Factors - For the Degree of M.S. Surgery
. (1996)
4. Uro-dynaniic changes in spinal dysrrhaphism, pre and post operative changes. 1996.
5. Spinal Dysrrhaphism -. Prospective and Retrospective Study 1997-For the Degree
M.S. Surgery
6. Study, of Use of Perioperative Antibiotic in Neurosurgery, for its role in control of Post- operative Infection. ( 1998).
7. Lumbo-peritoneal shunt: study of indications: results and complications and
Comparative study of V-P shunt and L-P shunt as surgical procedure for
management of hydrocephalus.
8. Prognostic factors in head injury patients.1998-1999.
9. Risk factor in head injury 1999.
10. Modified technique of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. 2000.
11. Single stage posterior vertebrectomy and fusion 2000.
12. Prognostic value of Creatine Kinase BB in neurosurgical conditions 200 1.
13. A modified twist drill craniostomy for treatment of Ch. SDH and brain abscesses
–A comparative study 2000-2001.
14. Comparison of Lumbar-Peritoneal shunt and modified 1umbar-Peritoneal shunt 2001-2002.
15. Effect of nutritional aspect on prognosis in shunt surgery patients. 2002-3
16. Relation of upper and lower cervical angle 2003-4
17. Expanding traumatic intra cranial hematoma 2007-8
18. Neuro endoscopic procedures in one year results and complication 2006-7
19. Vascular injury in fatal head injury 2005-7
20. Nasogastric verses feeding jejunostomy in chronically ill neurosurgical patients 2007-2009
21. Expanding traumatic intracranial hematoma 2006-2009
22. Temporary clipping of external carotid in large meningioma 2008-2010.
23. Morphometric analysis of posterior fossa and Foramen magnum 2009-2011.
Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav cont…
1. Yadav YR. Kala PC. Yadav S. Relative significance of incubation period and
period of onset as prognostic factor in tetanus. R.M.J. 26: 167-70 1987
2. Yadav YR.. Kala P.C. Yadav S., Role of tracheostomy in tetanus, Ind. Med.Gaz.51: 333-36, 1987
3. Yadav Y.R. Yadav S, Kala P.C. Evaluation of fever in tetanus. SDMH. Jour.
12:18-22, 1988.
4. Yadav YR., Kala P.C., Yadav S. Respiratory complication in tetanus. Ind. J.
Med. Sci .43: 17-22.1989.
5. Yadav YR, Yadav S, Kala PC. Role of manual dilatation of cervix in
puerperal tetanus. Ind. Med. Gaz. 53347- 29, 1989
6. Yadav YR- Yadav S , Kala P.C. Atypical Tetanus. J Ind. Surg. 52: 6-10.1990.
7. Yadav Y.R, Kala P.C. Yadav S., study of site and nature of injury as prognostic
factor in Tetanus, Tropical Doctor,20: 136-137,1990. Included in bibliography of
current opinion in infectious diseases.
8. Yadav ' YR. Khosla V.K, Kak V.K, Giant scalp abscess. Neurology India 39:29-
30, 1991
9. Kak V.K. Yadav YR. Craniopharyngioma , Chandigarh Experience 11980-891
Neurology India -suppl. 39,36-39,1991.
10. Kak V.K. Yadav Y.R. , Mathuria S.N. et al. Acoustic schwannoma Chandigarh
Experiense[Proceedings of national symposium on cerebello-Pontine angle
Tumours. Jaipur 11 -12 Feb 1991, page 30-37.
11. Kak V.K.. Yadav Y.R. Unusual presentation of cerebello-Pontine angle tumours:
Proceeding of National symposium on cerebello-Pontine angle tumours Jaipur
11-12 Feb 1991.43-45.
12. Yadav YR. Yadav S. Kala P.C. Puerperal Tetanus. J Ind. med. Assoc.89: 336-
13. Yadav YR. Khosla V.K. Isolated lower cranial nerve involvement in blunt head
trauma Clinical Neurology and neurosurgery .93:61-63,1991
14. Yadav Y.R, Kak V.K. Khosla V.K. Chordoma in first decade of life. Clinical
Neurology and Neurosurger.y.94, 241-246, 1992
15. Yadav YR Kak V.K, Kala P.C. Cephalic tetanus. Tropical and Geographical
Neurology: 2,63-65, 1992
16. Yadav YR., Kapoor JP, Kriplani TC. Sylvian fissure epidermoid manifesting as psychosis. Neurology Ind. 41. 119-121. 1993.
17. Yadav Y.R., Kapoor J.P. , Tandon J.K. , Arnold Chiary-malformation type 3 without Neurological deficit - Neurology India.-42,46-47,1994.
18. Yadav YR, Tandon JK, Kapoor JP, Kriplani TC, SinghB.P. , Primary extradural spinal melanoma.Neurology India 43,161-164 1995.
19. Yadav Y.R. Pun P.B. Jandon J.K. Kriplani T.C. Singh B.P. Percutaneous Lumbo-
peritoneal shunt :Jabalpur experience -- Neurology India. 43(4),52-53 1995.
20. Yadav YR..Rahman H.H. Jain M. Tandon J.K. Kriplani T.C. Singh B.P., Primary lymphoma of Skull. Neurology India.43(4),62-63,1995.
21. Yadav Y.R-Rahman H.H. Jain M. Tandon JX, Kriplani T.C. Singh B.P., Extracalvarial meningioma. Neurology India. 43(4),63 1995.
22. Yadav YR, Setha A, Tandon JK, Mahendra R, Singh BP, Kripalani TC Lipoma of the corpus callosum with frontal encephalocele Neurology India , Year 1995, Volume 43, Issue 3 Page : 168--170
23. Yadav YR, Yadav S, Kala PC, prognostic factor in tetanus.-A new scoring
system - Ind. med. Gaz. 52: 74-7S. 1998.
24. Yadav YR..Rahman H.H. , etal Adult diastematomyelia. Neurology India. 46,316-
25. Yadav YR Raina VK: Minimally invasive technique of VP shunt Neurology
India Suppl. Dec. 1998.
26. YadavYR, Raina VK- Shunt surgery in tubercular meningitis hydrocephalus and
Comarision between Lumber- peritoneal and ventriculo- peritoneal shunt
Neurology India Suppl. Dec. 1998.
27. Yadav YR Bundela Y, Daker P. Fronto- temporo - orbito -zygomatic approach
For sphenoid wing meningioma Neurology India Suppl. 2000 Chennai.
28. Yadav YR, Rahman HH, Tandon JK, Singh BP, Kriplani TC, Mahendra R. .Primary ectopic meningioma. J Indian Med Assoc. 2001 Feb;99(2):102-3,110.
29. Yadav YR, Singh M, Raina VK: Sphenoid wing meningioma presenting as
movement disorder Neurology India 2002 Jun;50(2):229-30.
30. Yadav YR, Pande S, Raina VK, Singh M. Lumbo-peritoneal shunts: review
of 409 cases. Neurol India. 2004 Jun;52(2):188-90.
31. Yadav YR as a writing committee member. Effect of intravenous corticosteroid on death within 14 days in 10008 adults with clinically significant head injury ( MRC CRASH trial) : randomized placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 04;364:1321-28,2005
32. Gajdhar M, Yadav YR. A case of thalamic abscess treated by endoscopic surgery. Neurology India 2005,53: 345-46
33. Yadav YR, Pandey Sanjay, agrawal Alok Hemispheric cerebral ischemia in traumatic brain injury: report of four cases The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma,2005;2: 135-138.
34. Yadav YR. Cranio-cerebral erosion ( growing skull fracture): Management by Lumbar-peritoneal shunt CRCPR 6;224-229: 2005
35. Final results of MRC Crash, a randomized placebo- controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adult head injury- out come at 6 months published on line May 26 2005 DOI:10.1016/50140-6736(05)66552-x
36. Sherekar SK, Yadav YR, Basoor AS, Baghel A, Adam N. Clinical implications of alignment of upper and lower cervical spine.Neurol India. 2006 Sep;54(3):264-7
37. Yadav YR, Jaiswal S, Adam N, Basoor A, Jain G. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in infants.Neurol India. 2006 Jun;54(2):161-3.
38. Yadav YR, Pandey S, Tiwari M, Agrawal A, Nelson A.Supratentorial to infratentorial and antigravity migration of intracranial bullet. Neurol India. 2006 Dec;54(4):453-4.
39. Yadav YR, Basoor A, Jain G, Nelson A. Expanding traumatic intracerebral contusion/hematoma. Neurol India. 2006 Dec;54(4):377-81.
40. Yadav YR, Mukerji G, Shenoy R, Basoor A, Jain G, Nelson A Endoscopic management of hypertensive intraventricular haemorrhage with obstructivehydrocephalus. BMC Neurol. 2007 Jan 4;7:1.
41. Mukerji G, Sherekar S, Yadav YR, Chandrakar SK, Raina VK. Pediatric intramedullary schwannoma without neurofibromatosis.
Neurol India. 2007 Mar;55(1):54-6.
42. Yadav YR, Basoor A, Jain G, Nelson A. Expanding traumatic intracerebral contusion/hematoma. Neurol India. Letter to Editor Year : 2007 | Volume : 55 | Issue : 1 | Page : 80-
43. Jain G, Mukerji G, Dixit A, Manshani N, Yadav YR.The impact of nutritional status on the outcome of Indian patients undergoing neurosurgical shunt surgery. Br J Nutr. 2007 Nov;98(5):944-9. Epub 2007 Aug 29
44. Yadav YR, Sinha M; Neha, Parihar V. Endoscopic management of brain abscesses. Neurol India. 2008 Jan-Mar;56(1):13-6.
45. Parihar V, Yadav YR, Sharma D.Gorham's disease involving the left parietal bone: a case report. Cases J. 2008 Oct 22;1(1):258.
46. Yadav YR, Mukerji G, Parihar V, Sinha M, Pandey S. Complex hydrocephalus (combination of communicating and obstructive type): an important cause of failed endoscopic third ventriculostomy. BMC Res Notes. 2009 Jul 16;2(1):137. [Epub ahead of print]
47. Parihar V, Yadav YR, Sharma D Giant extra-axial posterior fossa tuberculoma in a three-year-old child. .Neurol India. 2009 Mar-Apr;57(2):218-20.
48. Yadav YR; Neha, Chandrakar SK. Pure cortical supratentorial extraventricular ependymoma.. Neurol India. 2009 Mar-Apr;57(2):213-5.
49. Parihar V, Yadav YR, Sharma D. Pituitary apoplexy in a pregnant woman. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2009 Jul 18];12:54-5.
50. Vijay Parihar, Yad R. Yadav, Nityanand Pandey and Dhananjaya Sharma A rare case of complete intraventricular migration of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. J Pediatr Neurol 2009; 7(4):
51. Yad Ram Yadav, Neha, SK Chandrakar Pure cortical supratentorial extraventricular ependymoma Author's reply. Neurology India 2009;57:517
52. Yad Ram Yadav, Neha, SK Chandrakar Pure cortical supratentorial extraventricular ependymoma Author's reply. Neurology India 2009;57:517.
53. Y R Yadav, Vijay Parihar Management of hydrocephalus in patients with tuberculous meningitis. Neurology India 2009 Sep-Oct;57(5):691.
54. Y R Yadav, Vijay Parihar, Mallika Sinha, Nishin Jain Simple depressed skull fracture causing posterior third superior sagittal sinus stenosis Neurology India 2009 Nov-Dec;57(6):830-1
55. Parihar V, Yadav YR, Sharma D. Pituitary apoplexy in a pregnant woman.
Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2009 Jan;12(1):54-5.
56. Yadav YR, Parihar Vijay, Sinha M, Jain N. Endoscopic treatment of supra sellar arachnoid cyst. Neurology India 2010; 58: 280-282.
57. Yadav Y R, Parihar Vijay, Sinha Mallika Lumbar peritoneal shunt . Neurology India 2010; 58: 179-184.
58. Yadav YR, Basoor A, Todorov M, Parihar V. Endoscopic Management Of Large Multi Compartmental Intraventricular Arachnoid Cyst Extending From Foramen Magnum To Foramen Monro: case repot and review of literature. Neurology India 2010; 58: 481-84.
59. Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant hemorrhage (CRASH-2): a randomized placebo controlled trial. Published online June 15, 2010.
60. Yadav YR, Shenoy R, Mukerji G, Parihar V. Water jet dissection technique for endoscopic third ventriculostomy minimises the risk of bleeding and neurological complications in obstructive hydrocephalus with a thick and opaque third ventricle floor. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2010 Aug;53(4):155-8. Epub 2010 Dec 3.
61. Yadav YR; Shenoy R; Mukerji G; Sherekar S; Parihar V. Endoscopic transoral excision of odontoid process in irreducible atlanto-axial dislocation. In Progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 24. Banerji APD (ed). Byword Books Private Limited (1 Jan 2010). ISBN 818193055X, ISBN13: 9788181930552
62. Yadav Y R, Yadav Sharda, Sherekar S, Parihar Vijay. A new minimally invasive tubular brain retractor system for microendoscopic removal of deep brain lesions. Neurology India 2011;59:74-77.
63. The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: an exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial he Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9771, Pages 1096 - 1101. Published Online: 24 March 2011.
64. Yadav YR, Parihar V, Agrarwal M, Bhatele PR, Saxena N. Lumbar peritoneal shunt in idiopathic intra cranial hypertension. Turkish Neurosurgery. 2012;22(1):21-6. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.4307-11.1.
65. Yadav Y R, Agarwal Moneet, Namdev Hemant, Parihar Vijay. Rapid resolution of acute subdural hematoma: a case report and review of literature. The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma 2011: 8; 45-48.
66. Yadav YR, Parihar V, Agrawal M, Bhatele PR. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in tubercular meningitis with hydrocephalus. Neurol India 2011;59:855-60.
67. Yadav Y R, Vijay Singh Parihar, Moneet Agarwal, Pushp Raj Bhatele. Temporary clamping of external carotid artery in convexity, parasaggital and temporal base meningioma. Turkish Neurosurgery. 2012; 22(1):44-9. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.4682-11.0.
68. Yadav YR, Parihar V, Agarwal M, Sherekar S , Bhatele PR. Endoscopic vascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2011 Jun;54(3):110-4. Epub 2011 Aug 23
69. Yadav Y. R., Bhagwat A., Agarwal M., Parihar V., Chandrakar S., Jain N. Endoscopic treatment of neurocytoma of lateral ventricle: case report and review of literature. Chirurgia 2011 June;24(3):173-6
70. Agarwal M, Adhana R, Namdev H, Yadav YR, Agrawal T. Transoral extrusion of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt: A case report and review of literature Journal of pediatric neuroscience 2011 : 6 (2 ), 149-151
71. Yadav YR, Parihar V, Pande S, Namdev H, Agarwal M. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy: Review. Journal of Neurosciences in rural practice 2012; 3; 163-173.
72. Yadav YR, Sachdev S, Parihar V, Namdev H, Bhatele PR. Endoscopic endonasal trans-sphenoid surgery of pituitary adenoma. Journal of Neurosciences in rural practice in press
73. Kanodia Gautam, Parihar Vijay, Yadav Y R, Bhatele Pushp Raj, Sharma Dhanajay.Morphometric analysis of Posterior Fossa and Foramen Magnum Journal of neurosciences in rural practice in press.
74. Yadav YR, Madhariya SN, Parihar V, Namdev H, Bhatele PR. Endoscopic transoral excision of odontoid process in irreducible atlanto-axial dislocation: our experience of 34 patients. Central European Neurosurgery in press.
75. Yadav YR, Parihar V, Janakiram N, Pande S, Bajaj J, Namdev H. Endoscopic management of cerebro-spinal fluid rhinorrhea. Asian journal of Neurosurgery in press.
76. Yadav YR, Yadav S, Parihar V. Modified twist drill technique in the management of chronic sub dural hematoma. Turkish Neurosurgery in press.
Curriculum vitae Dr Y R Yadav cont…
List of Awards, Honors, Appreciation's, Grants;
1. Third position in Rajasthan State in winter camp for talented science students
2. Honors in all the three subjects {Physics, Chemistry and Biology} in secondary
school exam, Ajmer {Rajasthan} 1974.
3. Honors in Biology in Higher secondary exam 1975. Ajmer {Rajasthan}.
4. Honors in Physics and Chemistry in Three Year Degree Course {1st year}
Science exam 1976.
5. Honors in General Knowledge in Three Year Degree Course {Ist year} Science
exam 1976.
6. Third position in Rajasthan State in Pre-Medical exam. 1977.
7. Appreciation certificate from Principal SMS Medical College Jaipur 1987.
8. Appreciation certificate from Professor PC Kala Dept of surgery SMS Medical
College Jaipur 1987.
9. Appreciation certificate from Professor KS Yadav Head of Dept of Cardio Thorasic unit 1987.
10. Appreciation certificate from Professor V.K. Kak Professor and Head of
Neurosurgery Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Chandigarh 1991.
11. Appreciation certificate from Head of Dept. of surgery NSCB Medical College
Jabalpur 2000.
12. Appreciation certificate from Superintendent and Joint Director NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 2000.
13. Name included in Marquee’s who is who science and engineering 2002 and 2005 edition.
Scientific sessions chaired
1. Annual conference of neuro spine surgeons of India Indore 17-19 Sept 2010.
2. Annual conference of neurological society of India Jaipur 16-19 Dec 2010.
3. 56 State chapter of IMA Jabalpur 13-14 Nov 2010
4. Annual conference of MP Neurocon 30-31 Jan Kanha 2010.
Chapter in Book:
1. Chapter (Acoustic schwannoma) in “Proceedings of the national symposium on C-P angle tumour held at Jaipur 11-12 Feb 1991
2. Chapter (Unusual presentations of CP angle tumurs) in “Proceedings of the national symposium on C-P angle tumour held at Jaipur 11-12 Feb 1991
3. Yadav YR; Shenoy R; Mukerji G; Sherekar S; Parihar V. Endoscopic transoral excision of odontoid process in irreducible atlanto-axial dislocation. In Progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 24. Banerji APD (ed). Byword Books Private Limited (1 Jan 2010). ISBN 818193055X, ISBN13: 9788181930552